Laura B. Blanchard

Birth & Death Cerificates
The St. Martin Parish Clerk of Court’s office issues Certified Copies of Birth Certificates for anyone born in the State of Louisiana and Death Certificates for individuals who have died within the two years of the request date in the State of Louisiana.
You may apply for a Certified Copy of a Birth Certificate or a Death Certificate in person from 8:30 a.m. to 3:45 p.m. Birth Certificates prior to 1983 may require an additional wait of 1-3 hours.
Certified Copies of Birth Certificates may be obtained by the person named on the document or by immediate family members including:
Current Spouse
- Parent
- Grandparent
- Child
- Grandchild
- Sibling
- Legal Guardian (with judgment of custody)​
A non-family member may request a certified copy of a Birth Certificate on behalf of an entitled individual with a letter of authorization that names the authorized individual. The authorization must also include the name, date of birth, and signature of the person named on the Birth Certificate. A copy of both individuals’ ID is required.
Death Certificates may be obtained by immediate family members (listed above). In addition, beneficiaries with a copy of an insurance policy or Last Will and Testament naming them as beneficiary may obtain Death Certificates.
All applicants must submit a photo ID at the time of application.