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Laura B. Blanchard
IntroductionThe judges of the 16th Judicial District Court, the St. Martin Parish Clerk of Court, and the Jury management staff welcome and congratulate you as a fellow participant in the administration of justice. You are now involved in the right to a trial by a jury of one's peers, a cornerstone of American justice. By serving as a juror, you will be a judge and you will assist in perpetuating a system that is fair and provides the same opportunity to all American citizens. Efforts have been made to expedite the cases set for trial during your jury service; however, many matters must be disposed of before the jury is called. Witnesses may need to be located, motions may be filed by attorneys, and a myriad of other things may happen which require some delay before the jury panel may be summoned to the courtroom. These circumstances may cause you to wait for extended periods of time. The judges request your patience and assure you that all will be done to make your jury service as short and efficient as possible.
Judges & Officials of The 16th Judicial District CourtDivision A Judge Anthony Thibodeaux Division B Judge Suzanne deMahy Division C Judge Vincent J. Borne Division D Judge Lewis H. Pitman, Jr. Division E Judge Keith Comeaux Division F Judge Anthony J. Saleme, Jr. Division G Judge Curtis Sigur Division H Judge Roger P. Hamilton, Jr. Court Administrator Angela Moore Clerk of Court Honorable Laura B. Blanchard
How Jurors are SelectedThe names of all licensed drivers and registered voters of St. Martin Parish are placed into the Clerk of Court computer. The computer first eliminates duplicate names, and then uses random selection to select the names of people who will receive a subpoena for jury duty. The list of potential jurors is updated periodically with information received from the Registrar of Voters office.
Juror QualificationsLouisiana law provides that certain qualifications must be met in order for a person to be eligible to serve on a jury. These requirements are that of a prospective juror: Must be a citizen of the United States and Louisiana, and must have resided in St. Martin parish for at least one year before service; Must be at least eighteen years of age; Must be able to read, write and speak the English language; Must not have a mental or physical infirmity which makes service impossible; Must not be under indictment for a felony, nor convicted of a felony for which he/she has not been pardoned If you do not meet all of these requirements, contact the office of the Judge to be excused. Also, if jury service would result in undue or extreme inconvenience or hardship, you may contact the office of the Judge to request a postponement or excuse.
ExemptionsEffective April 28, 1994, the Louisiana Supreme Court has amended its rules so as to effectively eliminate all group and occupational exemptions from jury service. Persons who may claim an exemption from jury service are: Persons who have served on a jury in the 16th Judicial District within the last two years. Persons who are 70 years of age or older. If you are in either of these categories, you may claim an exemption from jury service; however, if you wish to serve, you may do so. If you do elect to claim one of these exemptions, the Clerk of Court will assist you in presenting the necessary proof.
Your Role as a JurorYou are to report to the St. Martin Parish Courthouse at the time and date stated on your subpoena, or as indicated on the Jury Message (337) 394-5193. You will report to the Jury Pool Room located on the first floor of the Courthouse. When you are sent to the courtroom, you are asked to conduct yourself in a respectful manner. The presiding Judge will determine if you are qualified to serve on the Jury. You should be alert, courteous, and honest about your feelings and opinions on issues. Should you be selected as Juror, it is always imperative that you’re attentive at all times. The Judge presiding over that Court will give instructions and orders that you must follow. If you have any problem (such as not being able to hear a witness), have an urgent question or request, you may ask the Bailiff to notify the Judge, who will then answer your question and/or handle your request. After you have heard all the evidence and each attorney has summed up their case, the Judge will instruct you on the law that applies to the facts you must consider. You will then be escorted to the Jury Deliberation Room where you and your fellow jurors will deliberate.
Jury SelectionThe presiding Judge will inform you of the names of the parties, the attorneys who represent each party, and the nature of the legal action. You will then be questioned by the Judge and attorneys to ensure that you can be impartial and objective about the issues in the case. This is called Voir Dire. Each attorney may challenge "for cause." This means that for some reason (your occupation, your opinion on certain issues, your knowledge of the case, etc.), might be unfair to ask you to be impartial in the case at hand, and the Judge may excuse you from jury service for this particular trial. Each attorney is also allowed by law a limited number of "peremptory challenges". This means the attorney may ask the Judge to excuse some prospective Jurors without stating any reason. (If you are challenged, please keep in mind that this request isn’t personal. The attorney is merely using a right given to their client by law). At the end of the Voir Dire, a number of people will be seated to form the Jury, and the trial begins. (In some cases, it may be a "six-person" jury, in others it may be a "twelve-person" jury).
Sequence of TrialThe plaintiff's attorney (in civil cases) or the District Attorney (in criminal cases) will make an opening statement telling you what he/she intends to prove. The attorney for the defense may also make an opening statement. After the opening statements, the side bringing the suit, (i.e., the plaintiff or the District Attorney), will present their evidence with witnesses, documents, or other exhibits. Then the other side will be afforded the opportunity to do the same. When one party is done questioning one witness, the other attorney may cross-examine. There are special rules of law governing what may be asked of a witness, how the witness may respond, and what the Jury may properly consider as evidence. From time to time, an attorney may "object" to some testimony or procedure. The Judge may ask the attorney to approach the bench to discuss the matter, or you may be escorted out of the courtroom by a bailiff and taken to the Jury Deliberation room so that it may be debated outside your presence. In either case, the Judge will rule on all questions of law, and will tell you how the law requires you to treat a particular situation. When both sides have presented their evidence and defenses, each attorney will sum up their case by stating what they believe the evidence shows and why it favors their side. Of course, these presentations by the attorneys are not evidence. After the closing arguments, the Judge will instruct you on your duties as a Juror. The Judge will also instruct you as to the law in this particular case, what verdicts can be rendered, and the consequences of each verdict. You and your fellow Jurors will then be escorted to the Jury Deliberation Room to deliberate. At this time, you will select one Juror to be the Foreperson. This person will preside over your deliberation and will bring the Verdict into Court. In many cases one of the parties will ask, or the Judge will order, the Jury to be polled. This means the Judge will ask each Juror individually if this is his/her own verdict. The Judge may order their Verdict to be in open court or on a secret ballot viewed by the Judge and attorneys. Thereafter, the Clerk of Court is ordered to seal the ballots in the record. The Judge presiding over the case will then thank and dismiss you.
FormsJuror Qualification Questionnaire Juror Instruction Sheet Juror COVID Questionnaire

Jury Duty
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