A marriage license may be issued in any parish, regardless of where the ceremony is to be performed or where the parties reside (RS 9:222).

FEES: $35.00 IN Cash, Check, Money order or Credit / Debit with 4% fee.
Click here for Marriage License Application
Must contain all information required on form (see application form – RS 9:223)
Each parties’ social security number or one of the following if not a citizen or lawful permanent resident of the U.S.:
Valid and unexpired passport from the country of birth.
Unexpired visa with Form I-94 as issued by the U.S.Must be signed in one of the following manners:
Both parties before a notary or deputy clerk;
One party before a notary and one party before a deputy clerk;
Waiver signed by judge or justice of the peace (they must be in the territorial jurisdiction of the court) valid only for the absent party;
Military exception – individual appearing attaches a copy of the other’s military ID; only appearing party needs to sign application.
If born in Louisiana:
Certified copy of each party’s birth certificate (short form acceptable) - Click here for information on obtaining a Louisiana Birth Certificate, or
Order waiving birth certificate(s) WITH letter from proper registration authority that a thorough search was made and no birth record was located (RS 9:227 & 228).
If born outside of Louisiana but in a U.S. state or territory, (American Samoa, Guam, N Marianas Islands, Puerto Rico & Virgin Islands):
Certified copy of each party’s birth certificate (short form not allowed), or
Order waiving birth certificate(s) WITH letter from proper registration authority that a thorough search was made and no birth record was located (RS 9:227 & 228).
If born outside U.S. or its territories:
Certified copy of party’s birth certificate and a valid and unexpired passport, or
Certified copy of party’s birth certificate and unexpired visa accompanied by Form I-94 as issued by the U.S.
Order waiving birth certificate(s) WITH letter from proper registration authority that a thorough search was made and no birth record was located (RS 9:227 & 228).
Certified translation of birth certificate if certificate is in a language other than English:
Must include sworn declaration of translator.
Valid and unexpired driver’s license, or
A government issued identification card, or
A valid and unexpired passport from the country of his birth, or
An unexpired visa accompanied by Form I-94 as issued by the U.S.
Written consent or court’s authorization for minor(s) to marry (if applicable)
Covenant Marriage Declaration (if applicable)
WAIVERS, if Applicable:
24-Hour Waiver, no change to process; (R. S. 9:242)
Birth Certificate Waiver as described above; (R.S. 9:227 & 228)
Waiver of Notarized Application as described above (9:224)
Copy of Judgment of Divorce or Date of Death if applicable.
Click here for Louisiana Laws on Community Property and Covenant Marriage